Weed Maps

This section of the website is under development, with more to come soon! Stay tuned.

More maps can be found in the Weed Survey Series Reports.


Group 1 Resistant green foxtail in 2019/2020
Group 1 Resistant wild oat in 2019/2020
Group 1 Resistant yellow foxtail in 2019/2020
Group 1 + 2 Resistant wild oat in 2019/2020
Group 2 Resistant chickweed in 2019/2020
Group 2 Resistant hemp nettle in 2019/2020
Group 2 Resistant lamb’s quarters in 2019/2020
Group 2 Resistant false cleavers in 2019/2020
Group 2 Resistant kochia in 2019/2020
Group 2 Resistant pale smartweed in 2019/2020
Group 2 Resistant redroot pigweed in 2019/2020
Group 2 Resistant Russian thistle in 2019/2020
Group 2 Resistant shepherd’s purse in 2019/2020
Group 2 Resistant sow thistle spp. in 2019/2020
Group 2 Resistant stinkweed in 2019/2020
Group 2 Resistant wild mustard in 2019/2020
Group 2 Resistant wild oat in 2019/2020

These maps are recreations using data from the following scientific manuscript:
Geddes, C.M., Pittman, M.M., Sharpe, S.M., and Leeson, J.Y. 2024. Distribution, frequency and impact of herbicide-resistant weeds in Saskatchewan. Canadian Journal of Plant Science [In press]. doi: 10.1139/cjps-2024-0017